Our Team

Matt Millhouse – President

Sean Laukhuff – Vice President
Sean is the Vice-President of Iron-Leg, and local business owner of Dent-Techs, Inc of Manheim, Pa. Sean has a 24 year old daughter that is studying nursing, and has a joy of art and design. He has been an owner/operator for 18 years, as well as a member of the National Guard from 1993 until 2005.
Sean is in the process of developing his new business epoxying countertops, flooring, and a crafts department. “The passion of doing well for others that are in need has been with me since I was an 8 year old boy and my Uncle Ken Laukhuff’s role in establishing the “Make a Wish” Convoy here in Lancaster County.” A young boy’s mother had come to the local Teamsters and had requested a last wish to ride in a truck. My Uncle recruited 42 trucks and other kids to ride in the truck convoy. Over 500-700 trucks participate every Mothers day. Our mission is to give kids a helping hand and a leg to stand on.

Ashley Kimmich – Secretary/Treasurer
Ashley is the secretary/treasurer of Iron Leg. She works for a family owned business in Lancaster, PA called Kord King. She has two kids that are now grown, but since they started sports at the age of 9, she has always been part of the board & booster clubs until they graduated. She has now joined the Iron Leg team to help make a difference for children who are in need of prosthetics and enriching their lives. Outside of the non-profit work, Ashley enjoys spending time with family, friends, and her dog Lady.