Sponsorship Opportunities
Support This Great Cause & Events
BRONZE - $250 (unlimited available)
- One tee sign
SILVER - $750 (unlimited available)
- Two golfers w/ carts
- Lunch
- Recognition through social media, ironleg.org & one tee box
GOLD - $1,500 (unlimited available)
- 4 Golfers w/ carts
- Lunch
- Recognition through social media, ironleg.org & one tee box

PLATINUM - $2,500 (5 available)
- Corporate booth
- Recognition at one contest location (longest drive, closest pin)
- One additional sponsorship (listed below)
- 4 Golfers w/ carts
- Lunch
- Recognition through social media, ironleg.org & one tee box
IRON LEG - $5,000 (1 available)
- Co branding on event materials and select merchandise
- Corporate booth
- 8 Golfers w/ carts
- Lunch
- Opportunity to greet and make remarks
- Recognition at two contest location (longest drive, closest pin)
- Recognition through social media, ironleg.org & two tee boxes
- Iron Leg gift - TBD
- Your choice: any one additional sponsorship opportunities (listed below)
(for Iron-Leg and Platinum Sponsors)
- Lunch Sponsor
- Golf Cart Sponsor
- Golf Ball Sponsor
- Towel Sponsor
- Bag Sponsor
- Koozie Sponsor
- Bottle Opener Sponsor
- Mulligan Card Sponsor
* Please inquire about custom sponsorship opportunities